Make sure your computer has Adequate Air Flow, especially your laptop. Its ideal to place your
laptop on a hard, level surface, not on something that restricts the air flow of the vents
underneath, like a pillow or on top of the bed. When your laptop Overheats it can destroy
components on the motherboard. Dust and Tobacco smoke are enemies of your computer, too.
Watch out for a failing hard drive. Signs of a failing hard drive include: Clicking Noises, Long
Wait or Freezing after clicking on a link or file, Corrupted Data, and Bad Sectors. A New
Drive, with installs of the Operating System, and Backup Files (if possible) may be required for
optimum performance.
Be aware of where you go Online and what you install on your computer. Some downloaded
programs, email attachments or websites can install Malware in the background. You don’t have
to be paranoid of the Internet, just exercise some Caution.
If you immersed or spilled liquid on a device turn it Off, Take The Battery Out and Unplug It, if
possible. Its a good idea Not to turn on a device that is still Wet, it can short out components.
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